A picture from the photo albums of Dick Clemmer...
Remember when certain members of the Class of 1964 left a remnant of the senior prom in the island of the Gypsy Hill Park duck pond? That lighthouse adds a certain penache, don't you think?
Ed Morse:
- I remember delivering groceries for Woodlee Market (owned by my aunt and uncle) to the homes of the "rich and famous" in Staunton including Peter Menk's.
- I found my WTON Record Hop ID card #310 issued at age 16 on July 31, 1963.
- And here's a signed photo from the Top Hats who played at various record hops at the Armory during our high school days.
Some faded pictures from the Dozier family albums....
Powder Puff Cheerleaders: Can you name them?
Karen Bissikumer and Deane Dozier clown around after the Powder Puff game.
Edwin Morse and Deane in Mrs. Morris' dance class, poodle skirt and all.
From left, Nelson Brown, Baxter Barger, Deane Dozier, Mary Dozier, Tommy Trott, Jerry Durham, David Brooks and (back to camera), Kai (Bill) Dozier.
A Hi-Y Photo from Jay Hanger, who notes that is soft drinks our guys are guzzling, not alcoholic beverages. Who can name them all (the guys or the soft drinks, we'll take either)?
Some vintage photos from Charlie Bishop and Jody Grogan...
Linda and Jody with Charlie Bishop at the 1985 Reunion (we think)
Can you name your classmates in the group photo on the right?
(Click for enlargements)
And another one from Ed Quick, who came to graduation in style...
Where Rex Houser Jr. was when Kennedy was shot.
- When John Kennedy was shot. I was in electronics class at Wilson Memorial. (I was part of a group that went ˝ a day at Lee and the rest of the day at Wilson. I was working on a radio and happened to have it on when the news broke. Later at week end I was working at Rhea’s ESSO (on Greenville Avenue) and was watching the Television he had set up there when Jack Ruby shot Oswald. I remember that more than any other event from that period. At that time the news was shot live not taped. Every time that scene is played, even today I remember standing there in disbelief as the scene unfolded.
Deane Dozier
- I remember struggling to grasp the meaning of some obscure Shakespeare passage in one of Miss Whitelaw's homework assignments, only to find in class the next day that Steve Golladay understood every word. Hey, don't they have special classes for people like that? What's he doing in my class?