Lee High Class of '64

The Soda Fountain

Send in your stories and ideas. Share your memories.

This page is intended as the virtual gathering place that Hogshead's Drug Store, the Dairy Rite Drive-In, Anne Meckstroth's soda fountain, and the National Guard Armory record hops were in high school days. Share your email conversations with classmates, Facebook notes and such, and we'll post them here. Or find your classmates on Facebook and we can collect some of those conversations and post them here.

Also, we will use this page to provide links to submissions from classmates for the websites about apre-reunion thoughts (Charlie Bishop), works of art (Cecily Wood), or any other information individuals would like to share. Response time may not always be swift, as the webmaster is sometimes out walking the mountain trails!

Here is a link to the Nov. 24, 2020, Tribute to Vic Ellinger at Thornrose Cemetery

Click on these links to go to submissions from classmates:

"Gracias" by George Rodon following the Mini-Reunion on May 16, 2017

"One View," thoughts by Charlie Bishop following the 50th Class Reunion in 2014.

Pastel Drawings by Cecily Wood.


Here are some messages about past gatherings (to remind us of the monthly Clocktower Restaurant gatherings) and a picture of some good-looking folks!

May 15, 2012: Class of '64 Reminder: Monthly Clocktower Gathering Tonight

Hello Everyone,

Passing along the following message regarding the monthly gathering at the Clocktower (in downtown Staunton) for R.E. Lee Grads.  It will be tonight, May 15th.  Let’s make the sure the Class of ’64 is well represented.  Hope to see some of you there. Remember, it is the third Tuesday of each month.  Plan your summer around a Tuesday night visit to Staunton. 

Below e-mail is from Sandy Gum (Class of ’63):

This is just a reminder that next week, Tuesday, May 15, is our monthly social at the Clock Tower.  Come from 5 PM on to enjoy dinner together and stay for music and dancing until 10 PM.  I understand that Bill Ronemus and Greg Harper from Class of '62 are coming, and Jean Winter, Jamie Curry and others from '63 are coming too!  Another fun filled evening.  Mark your calendar and plan to join us and please help us spread the word.

Note of congratulations to our very own Jody Grogan, elected to the Staunton School Board!  


Lee High alumni at the Clocktower

Here are members of the Class of '64 who showed up at one of the gatherings at the Clocktower Restaurant on 12/17/2012. No one is aging -- must be something in the food! From left, they are Sondra Jones Shaner, Carolyn Weaver Temple, Bill Viglione, Jody Grogan, Jo Gibson Viglione, Eddie Quick and his wife Marge.

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